Connection To Dstv Is Lost

This is the same error as E48-32. When your decoder displays this message, there is no signal from the dish to the decoder. 
You can do a few checks to determine what might be the cause of the problem.
If you don't know what to do, you can call customer care, in Kenya 0711066000, or Dstv agent 0724802222 for help.
Below are some of the checks you can go through to determine the problem;
Check that the cable is well connected to the decoder. The F-connector should be well attatched to the cable and decoder.
Without endangering yourself, check that the cable is not damaged in any way, cut, or burned by either the sun or fire.
Confirm the LNB in well connected to the dish. The LNB is attatched to the dish using a plastic connector, which is prone to breakages, confirm its not broken.
Confirm the dish itself is not visibly damaged or warping. If so, inform your installer.
Confirm if the dish bracket installed on the wall doesn't show any signs of coming lose.
Confirm if there are any new structures build above your dish.
Confirm if there are trees, branches or leaves hanging above the dish and relay the information to your installee.


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